Friday, June 10, 2011

An example of His love.

This has been a busy month so far.  Family illnesses, work, car trouble...blah, blah, blah.
My poor mother has been in the hospital for the last three weeks because her lift recliner turned on and she was unable to get out of it and it tossed her out onto her hard floor.  The last two weeks have been in rehab and we were hoping she would be able to come home soon.  She had a wound on her knee that would not stop seeping and bleeding.  They have now put a wound vacuum on it and it will stay there until it starts healing well.  So, she will be in the rehab hospital for a while longer.  Please keep her in your prayers!
Love you momma!
Work is crazy as usual.  Some days more than others.  I love my job. No, really I do!  I wouldn't trade what I do.  But I have to tell you that there are some days you meet someone who just touches your heart.  I met a young homeless man with brain disorders who is having some really tough times.  We finished up our interview and he said something to me that no one in my eleven years of work has ever said.  " Would you please pray for me now?"  I was floored and humbled by this and of course I said yes.  
So there in our little office I prayed for him.  
He prayed for me.  He prayed for my coworkers. He thanked God for us being there for people like him.  HE THANKED GOD for allowing him to meet caring people.
Some days my job is so very awesome!

Thank you God for allowing me to meet this young man.
Thank you for letting me be an example of your love.

Please Lord, be with this young know his needs.
He loves you.
I love you too!

Thank you for loving us.

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.

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